Enhancing Your Website
Let’s talk about your website – one of your most powerful tools for attracting your ideal client, For most of us, our website will make or break whether or not someone fills out our contact form. When you are trying to book a new inquiry, your website needs to do a first-rate job of not only selling your services, but also showing your potential clients why you should be their number choice, no matter what.
But here’s the thing that no one is talking about: your website should be doing so much more than just about attracting the people you want to attract, it also needs to be detracting the people you don't want to attract. The branding on your website should be so strong and specific that someone who isn't a good fit for you can catch that within a couple minutes of looking at your website.
There are several ways to quickly enhance your website to zero in on your target audience, but visuals and proof of product will propel your business forward faster than almost anything.
Photos are one of the thing I stress the most in website audits. When you’re looking at your website - check your photos. Put yourself in the mindset of your ideal client, and ask yourself if you connect with the images on your home page, your blog portfolio, etc. Everything you show on your website should help your ideal client picture themselves in the story you’re telling.
And on the flip side, make sure your photos aren’t attracting the wrong clients. If you don’t want to work at a specific type of venue, in a certain location or a size of event, remove any photos that could resemble that kind of wedding.
In short, you need to strategic in what you show to simultaneously attract and detract to narrow your inquiry pool. That's why this month we're giving our Mae&Co Monthly members two free checklists to audit their websites to enhance their brand. Each checklist breaks down the four most important things you can do on your website to attract your ideal client - and detract the wrong ones too.
We're unpacking all of this and more in our latest courses on No-Brainer Branding - and if you join in March (our birthday month!) you'll get access to a free Q&A live call with me, Manda, to ask me anything about connecting with your target audience. So what are you waiting for?
Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library.
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