Why Automation Feels Personal


When people hear the word "automation" they often jump to ideas like "robotic" or "impersonal." But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Creating automation is absolutely vital if you want to avoid burnout. Imagine being about to sit down to a to-do list every single day and know exactly what you need to get done. Think about being able to automate those final check in emails that you’re already written hundreds of times.

In my experience, leaning into automation has given me so much freedom. Automating things like canned emails and project workflows allows you redirect your time and energy to things that could really benefit from your personal attention, like unique client designs, in-person meetings, and, let’s be honest, your own sanity.  

Think about these two scenarios:

Option 1:

You’re three years into your business, your calendar is full and you’re feeling so stoked for every job you’ve booked this year. But now you’re booking 30 weddings a year instead of 10 – that’s three times as many floorplans, design booklets, vendor emails, client meetings, etc. You were busy before, you’re nervous about remembering those last-minute details when you haven’t had a chance to sleep a solid eight hours in months.

Option 2:

You’re three years into your business, and you know this year is going to be your breakthrough year. To help you lead with confidence, you’ve created a do list for your biggest project to build a workflow – you have tasks automatically assigned from the moment you book a job. You’ve figured out which top 5 emails require the least customization (aside from things like names, locations, etc.) and you’ve created canned email templates. You have tools set up to give you two hours back each day, so you can invest energy in delivering timeless memories for your clients.   

Bottom line: automation gives you time back to connect with clients when it counts and redirect your time and energy into giving them a unique day.

Automation creates a better experience for you and your client, right? And more personal? Absolutely.


There are so many ways you can automate your business to build better connections with your clients - and take better care of yourself and your business. And we're talking about all of this and more in our August Mae&Co Monthly Automation & Workflow courses


Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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