Improving Your SEO


In your first 4-8 years of business, it’s a constant effort to make sure you’re being seen. You have to work to continuously stay at the forefront of everyone’s thoughts. And to be seen, we have to invest in SEO and we have to take time to blog because your business will never excel by sitting back and hoping things will come to you. 

And here's the best thing about SEO: taking time to fine-tine your SEO is an organic way to get your name out there – without spending a small fortune. You don't have to spent a ton of money to start ranking on the first couple of pages of Google search. 

Here are three things you can check right now to make sure your SEO is at its peak: 

Pay Attention to Your SEO Titles
Your URL titles are more important than blog titles. Your title on your blog page should inform what people are about to read (this is for people who are already on the website), but the URL title is what people actually search for to find you (this is for people who haven’t made it to your website yet). To pick a strong URL title, think about what people are searching for, then make it slightly more concise (ex: "Paradero Mexico Wedding" instead of "Mexico Wedding"). 

Use AI to Up Your Word Count
You should aim for 1,000 words to rank well on SEO, and one of the best ways to add detail and length to your blogs is to leverage AI. Try using Jasper AI to generate an outline or draft blog post that you can use as a starting point for a keyword-heavy blog that will improve your SEO ranking.

Make Tailwind and Pinterest Part of Your Process 
Once you've posted your blog, increase your visibility by using Tailwind to pin every photo to specific boards that show your work. The more it’s pinned, the more Pinterest will elevate your work and show it to people. And you can use AI for Pinterest captions too!

Here's the bottom line: building SEO into my website through blogging is by far one of the things I’ve done that’s given me more of my ideal client leads. 

SEO is one of the number one ways to book clients and grow your reach and visibility. To learn more about how to organically increase brand visibility through SEO, blogging, networking and Instagram, check out our Mae&Co Monthly courses on Building Brand Visibility

Watch the full course and over 100 more in the Mae&Co Monthly library. 
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