How to Grow a Team


If you’re a wedding planner who is at a spot where you are ready to grow your team, that's so exciting... and it can also be scary. The decision to bring on a team is a huge precipice in for any small business owner.

But bringing on a team looks different for every company and regardless of what that process looks like for you, it’s so important to ask the tough questions about how you're going to build your empire of wedding planners, stylists, coordinators, etc.

Should you bring on full-time employees? Or should your hire your team as independent contractors? There are pros and cons to both types of team members for a wedding planning business: 

Here are a few pros and cons of hiring independent contractors

  • You might save yourself some money
  • Your team members will have much more freedom with their schedule
  • Less control over work and schedules
  • No non-compete or exclusivity clauses 

Here are a few pros and cons of hiring full-time employees

  • More control over schedules
  • Greater protection for your employees
  • Ability to have an exclusivity clause
  • It’s more expensive (you will pay your share of employees SS and Medicare taxes, unemployment compensation insurance, workers comp insurance, etc.
  • There’s the potential for additional costs such as health benefits and sick or vacation time (though these are likely not required of you if you have less than six employees)



There is so much work that goes into building a successful wedding planning team. If you want to learn more about how to find the right fit for your company and how to source legal counsel to grow with peace of mind (plus get all the contact info for creative lawyers across the country!) make sure you check out all the Mae&Co Monthly content on growing your team.

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